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Go Global Reputation

  • IPB Press






Rp. 100.000

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The Center for Education and Culture Policy Research as one of the working units of the Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Education and Culture, not only must function as a thinker to make internal contributions, but also have global insight. The latter means that as research institutions dealing with education and cultural policy must have global orientation, introduce the qualifications and quality of academic human resources and improve the existence of institutions in the international reputation. One of the requirements to become a global reputable institution is its of researchers in shall publish their works in international journals. This book is a collection of writings of researchers in international journals, ranging from indexed Google Scholar, Copernicus, to Scopus. The collection is a first step to introduce researchers in the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as an effort to make a globally oriented thinker. Through these published works in international journals, it is hoped that this will further spur researchers to improve their abilities and the quality of their work towards global reputation.


Go Global Reputation

  • IPB Press
  • Rp. 100.000


The Center for Education and Culture Policy Research as one of the working units of the Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Education and Culture, not only must function as a thinker to make internal contributions, but also have global insight. The latter means that as research institutions dealing with education and cultural policy must have global orientation, introduce the qualifications and quality of academic human resources and improve the existence of institutions in the international reputation. One of the requirements to become a global reputable institution is its of researchers in shall publish their works in international journals. This book is a collection of writings of researchers in international journals, ranging from indexed Google Scholar, Copernicus, to Scopus. The collection is a first step to introduce researchers in the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as an effort to make a globally oriented thinker. Through these published works in international journals, it is hoped that this will further spur researchers to improve their abilities and the quality of their work towards global reputation.

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