ipbprinting - Memajukan UKM Indonesia

Civic Engagement In Asia

  • Pustaka Obor Indonesia




Mochamad Indrawan, DKK


Rp. 180.000


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The volume highlights Asian-focused climate change and sustainable development innovations written by 31 authors from countries in Asia. The book features issues and potential solutions for sustainable development, and responds to questions such as: What are the problemsprioritized by non-state actors for civic engagement? What are the key strategies and methods used for civic engagement?


Civic Engagement In Asia

  • Pustaka Obor Indonesia
  • Rp. 180.000


The volume highlights Asian-focused climate change and sustainable development innovations written by 31 authors from countries in Asia. The book features issues and potential solutions for sustainable development, and responds to questions such as: What are the problemsprioritized by non-state actors for civic engagement? What are the key strategies and methods used for civic engagement?

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